-Tree is Dead or Unhealthy

Take notice if the top of the tree or branches are dying back, or the trunk shows signs of decay.

-Tree Has Damages

If enough of the tree was damaged it may be beyond repair.

-The Tree is Leaning in a Dangerous Direction

Toward your house, driveway, deck or your children's play area. Sometimes this is not so obvious!

-The Tree is Growing too Close to Your House

Branches and other debris can get on your roof and possibly damage it.

Tree removal temecula
Tree removal temecula

-The Tree is Blocking your Views

or is creating too much shade and inhibiting your lawn to grow.

-The tree is too large for its location

poses a danger if it should fall or drop branches.

Why Remove Your Tree?

Palm Tree Removal

While palm trees can add a lot to a piece of property, sometimes it is necessary to remove them. Whether a tree poses a safety risk to an area or simply makes navigation difficult.

At Temecula Tree Removal, we offer professional palm tree removal in Temecula California and the surrounding areas.

Overgrown palm trees can put a person’s property at risk. They can also be a threat to fences on neighboring property. The amount of damage palm trees can do is severe, so timely removal is a very wise move.

A palm tree’s branches aren’t the only threat – roots can destroy sidewalks, driveways, and public utilities. Once this happens, costly repairs will be necessary. In some cases, even a healthy tree may prove problematic simply by taking up too much space at a residential or commercial location.